Jeff and Chris could sometimes be described as polar opposites. But then, at times, they were so alike
that it was uncanny...tiny movements, body language or the tenor of voice. Jeff looked to his big brother for a guiding
hand, words of advise, affirmation and sometimes a swift kick in butt.
I'm sure, if you try, you will not be able to think of one solitary moment that Chris did not have Jeff's
back from when they were little boys until the end.
Jeff told many of us often how much he looked up to Chris and appreciated all the many things Chris did
for him. Sometimes it is so easy to tell your friends how amazing your family is...but we often forget to tell them
ourselves. Chris was an icon to Jeff. Jeff looked at Chris's success with a proud smile.
Jeff and Chris had and have an unconditional love that is rare and beautiful between siblings.
No matter how angry, hurt, or sad they could make one another the love never once wavered.
Chris will now have Jeff watching over him, making sure he is okay, listening when he needs to talk, lifting
him up with a great memory.... just as Chris did for Jeff his entire short life!